Spring candle news: Narcissus Poeticus


Astronomical spring started on March 20th and to celebrate it we have several good news.

The first one is, that we have a new candle in our selection. It’s yellow, smells like daffodils and is perfect for spring – Narcissus Poeticus will brighten up any home for spring holidays. Rich, floral, green, heady: like burying your nose in springtime itself. Pleasant floral aroma includes narcissus with traces of hyacinth and jasmine, dark green leaves and grass.




Rapeseed wax instead of soy


Our second big news is, that we are changing our candle wax. We have decided to replace soy wax with rapeseed wax. When we started making candles 16 years ago we were the first in Estonia to use soy wax, which has many wonderful qualities, but we could not get over the fact that soy wax had to be transported to us from very far away, from USA. How to diminish the long distance footprint?

Over the years more natural waxes became available and we started testing various plant based waxes. For long years candlemakers were using mostly soya and palm, but neither of those grows in Europe and wax making was centered either in Asia or America. But then, at last, several European wax producers started looking for ways to use local raw materials and that is when rapeseed came into play – it can be grown in whole of Europe, also in Estonia. While testing we discovered rapeseed wax has many good qualities, making it an excellent candle wax. Some of them are similar to soy wax like long and clean burning and easy cleaning. And some are even better like its ability to spread aroma and a smoother, silkier look of the wax.


Let’s elaborate more on the benefits of rapeseed wax:


• We use European rapeseed wax which ensures smaller ecological footprint thanks to shorter transport route.

• Rapeseed does not cause monoculture and doesn’t harm environment. In fact, it’s used for crop rotation and is normally sown before cereals.

• Our rapeseed wax is GMO-free. Growing genetically modified organisms is banned in Europe.

• Rapeseed wax is biodegradable and burns longer and cleaner than paraffin.

• Rapeseed wax is vegan friendly.


.The future is colourful


We will fully transition to rapeseed wax during this year. The first candles made with rapeseed wax are our new colourful spring candles, which brings us to our third piece of news. All of our candles will soon be in colourful glasses. We previously used coloured wax but now the candle glass will be coloured. The first candles in coloured glasses will be our renewed spring candles.

In addition to yellow Narcissus Poeticus, the design will change for Forever Fresh, Apricot & Freesia, Primavera, Lily of the Valley, Strawberry & rhubarbLovely lilac and Cherie.




Take a closer look  HERE
