May is pink ribbon month


Did you know that in May we are wearing pink ribbons to turn attention to early discovery of breast cancer? Pink ribbon as a symbol of hope was first used in 1992. The idea of this symbol is to raise breast cancer awareness and the importance of early discovery. It is also our chance to support women fighting breast cancer and give them hope.


JOIK & charity


Over the years JOIK has supported various charity projects. Our main focus groups are women and children: projects promoting female and young entrepreneurship initiatives, projects supporting and councelling victims of domestic violence. We have ongoing relations with childrens hospitals and maternity wards. As 90% of our clients are women, breast cancer is also a topic close to heart and we have previously supported Estonian Cancer Society with fight against breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In Estonia more than 600 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. 30% of them are in advanced stages upon discovery. However, breast cancer discovered early can most of the times be treated. Pink ribbon campaign is designed to draw attention to the illness and to the early discovery so that women would go to checkups before it’s too late.


Pink ribbon on our products


This year we are also participating in the pink ribbon campaign and it’s a tradition we will continue in future. In addition to wearing pink ribbon ourselves we are marking 4 of our „pink“ products with pink ribbon. The products are from JOIK Home & Spa raspberry bon-bon series: shimmering body lotion, shimmering body scrub, shower foam and bath milk. From each pink ribbon product sold we are donating 50 cents to Estonian Cancer Society. Products will be available in May in our e-store and other bigger stores.


You can help yourself


Speaking at 2018 cancer conference the president of the Union for International Cancer Control, Jordanian princess Dina Mired said: „Everything about cancer is important but prevention and early discovery are the most important aspect in helping to save hundreds of thousands of lives.“ Dina herself is a mother of a cancer survivor. The best thing to do for oneself is to self-check regularly and go to check-ups every 2 years. Here’s a little guide for self-checking:



Go to a check-up with doctor, if you notice the following:


• a lump in breast or in your underarm

• change in breast shape, size or skin

• skin or nipple pulling towards the inside

• discharge from nipple

• pain or discomfort in one breast, redness of breast, orange peel appearance, ulcers

• enlarged lymph nodes in your underarms


Estonian Cancer Society is doing a great job


Over the last 10 years while ECS has been using a mammography bus, more than 70 000 women have visited it. Breast cancer has been discovered in around 300 women and 85% of the cases have been in early stages, which means effective treatment and great chances of recovery. Donations are extremely important for cancer society. Thanks to a wave of donations they were able to buy a modern 3D mammograpfh for the bus allowing more accurate diagnostics and discovery of early changes also in younger women. This means more early discoveries and more chances of recovery.

You can also do your part and donate directly to HERE or you can buy JOIK pink ribbon products and give joy to yourself as well as help fight breast cancer.

Find the products HERE